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What turned 50 today that was also banned by the Soviet Union?

Question #96792. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated Aug 02 2021.

JCSon star
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JCSon star
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SAN FRANCISCO - It's hard to believe in an age of action-packed video games and other whiz-bang gadgets, but the Hula Hoop once was the hippest toy around.

The hoopla began 50 years ago Thursday when entrepreneurs Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin sought a trademark for a plastic cylinder based on a similar toy that had enjoyed modest success in Australia's school yards.

Before long, the Hula Hoop had more hips swiveling than Elvis Presley.

Wham-O Inc., the company founded by Knerr and Melin, sold more than 100 million Hula Hoops — at a suggested retail price of $1.98 apiece — after just a year on the U.S. market. That was more than one hula hoop for every two Americans at the time.

"It became a real piece of Americana," said toy historian Tim Walsh, whose book about Wham-O is scheduled to be published in October.

The Hula Hoop became so ubiquitous that the former Soviet Union banned the toy as a symbol of the "emptiness of American culture."


Response last updated by CmdrK on Aug 02 2021.
Jun 19 2008, 5:20 PM
zbeckabee star
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zbeckabee star
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Associated Press - June 19, 2008 11:33 AM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Hula Hoop -- the iconic toy that had more hips swiveling than Elvis Presley did -- turns 50 today.

The Hula Hoop became so popular that the former Soviet Union banned the toy as a symbol of the "emptiness of American culture." But then the fad went flat, and Hula Hoops began gathering dust in garages across the country.


Response last updated by CmdrK on Aug 02 2021.
Jun 19 2008, 5:32 PM
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