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Who is the actress connected with the Star Trek franchise and a Helen Hunt sitcom, and can you name all the characters she portrayed on these and which shows they were?

Question #96962. Asked by truefaithmom.
Last updated Apr 19 2023.

BRY2K star
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Answer has 3 votes.
Would you be profiling actress Anne Ramsay?

Her Mad About You role (with Helen Hunt)is well documented. In addition, Ramsay went on to guest star in numerous TV shows, such as the NBC drama "A Year in the Life," "Booker," "Wolf," "Hunter," "Duet" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation," among others, including a regular stint on the series "Doctor, Doctor," playing a nutty psychiatrist. Most recently, Ramsay appeared in "Everything to Gain," a motion-picture-for-television for CBS.

On Mad About You she played, "Lisa Stemple":

Three years older than her sister Jamie, Lisa has unfathomable psychological issues. Jamie is referred to as "Stella" in a book written by Lisa's therapist: "It was Stella's overprotectiveness that suffocated her ability to relate to others, and tethered her to a lifetime of insecurity and neurosis."

After an envious rage, she blamed Jamie for all of her problems in an interview with her shrink that became a chapter of a book called "Manics." With no place else to go, she does her laundry at Paul and Jamie's apartment while scavenging through her sister's clothes and food. Every visit from her parents triggers her eating disorder.

Here is the list of her roles on Star Trek TNG:

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" .... Ensign Clancy (2 episodes, 1988-1989)
... aka Star Trek: TNG (USA: promotional abbreviation)
- The Emissary (1989) TV episode (as Anne Elizabeth Ramsey) .... Ensign Clancy
- Elementary, Dear Data (1988) TV episode (as Anne Elizabeth Ramsay) .... Ensign Clancy

link no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 19 2023.
Jun 25 2008, 10:26 AM
truefaithmom star
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Not the one I was looking for, but she partially fits the bill. The one I am thinking of was played one than one character in more than one Star Trek series. :-)

Jun 25 2008, 10:32 AM
BRY2K star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Okay, round II; GATES McFADDEN

Here is a listing of her roles in all of the Star Trek franchises and the t.v. show "Mad About You" co-starring Helen Hunt.

Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) .... Dr. Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) .... Dr. Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: First Contact (1996) .... Commander / Dr. Beverly Crusher
... aka Star Trek 8 (USA: informal alternative title)
"Mad About You" .... Allison Rourke (4 episodes, 1995-1996)
- Dream Weaver (1996) TV episode .... Allison Rourke
- The Couple (1995) TV episode .... Allison Rourke
- Yoko Said (1995) TV episode .... Allison Rourke
- New Sleep-walking PLUS (1995) TV episode .... Allison Rourke


Jun 25 2008, 10:49 AM
maninmidohio star
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Gates McFadden played Paul's boss Allison Rourke on 4 episodes of Mad About you.

She also played Dr. Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation TV show as well as in the movies Star Trek: Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek: Nemesis.


Jun 25 2008, 10:51 AM
truefaithmom star
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LOL. Never knew so many Star Trek actors were on Mad About You! Again, not the one I was looking for. Although Gates McFadden was in STNG and several movies, she only played one character, and the movies are all part of the STNG line.

Never intended to give you so much leg work.

Maybe the third time will be the charm.:-)

Jun 25 2008, 10:55 AM
maninmidohio star
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Judy Gleason who played Maggie Conway on 30 episodes of Mad about You appeared in two episodes of Star Trek: Voyager as Sandrine.


Jun 25 2008, 10:55 AM
BRY2K star
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My inclination is to go with the low-lying fruit: MAJEL BARRETT....however I can find little support for her role on Mad About You (if THAT is the HH sitcom in question!).

This is quite a stumper, truefaithmom!

Jun 25 2008, 10:58 AM
maninmidohio star
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Currently voted the best answer.
Susie Plakson played Dr. Joan Golfinos on 17 epidsodes of Mad About You.

On Star Trek: The Next Generation she played Lt. Selar, M.D. in one episode and K'Ehleyr in 3 episodes. She also appeared as Tarah in one episode of Star Trek: Enterprise.


Jun 25 2008, 11:01 AM
truefaithmom star
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The "Golden Asteroid" goes to maninmidohio! The one I was looking for was Suzie Plakson :-) Not only did she play 4 different characters in 3 different Star Trek series, they were all different species as well.
Dr. Selar was vulcan, K'Ehleyr was klingon/human hybrid, Tarah was andorian. And Actually, you missed one - on Voyager she played the female Q - mate of Q(John DeLancie).

BRY2K - you get the extra effort award :-)

Well done, all!

Jun 25 2008, 11:12 AM
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