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Is there absolutely any relation between formaldehyde and Mr. Hyde from 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'? When I break down for-mal-de-hyde, I get for / mal (bad) / de (of) / Hyde (Mr. Hyde). Does it have a meaning like "bad potion of Hyde" or am I just seeing a weird coincidence?

Question #97021. Asked by jimmycarlos.

Baloo55th star
Answer has 6 votes
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Baloo55th star
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Answer has 6 votes.

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Only just seen this one, sorry.
You are seeing a weird coincidence. The real breakdown is form-aldehyde. Aldehydes are a group of organic chemicals whose name is reckoned to come from AL-cohol DEHYDogenated, and each aldehyde will have an associated alcohol. link Formaldehyde is also called methyl aldehyde, which gives the alcohol. The form- bit comes from the ease with which formaldehyde is oxidised into formic acid - named from the nasty stuff ants use when they get upset with you (and in turn this derives from Latin; there is a word formication - note spelling - which refers to a condition where you feel as if ants are running about on you). link link
In water solution, formaldehyde is called formalin, which loses Mr Hyde. An interesting example of what is called 'folk etymology'.

Jun 29 2008, 1:47 PM
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