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What is the alternative name for the House Spider and why?

Question #97507. Asked by nibbles0011.

truefaithmom star
Answer has 4 votes
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truefaithmom star
17 year member
240 replies

Answer has 4 votes.

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I am assuming you are looking for Tangle Web Spider, because of the webs they build.
Also known as Common House Spider and American House Spider.

The genus of spiders known as Achaearanea includes the extremely abundant common house spider. Being members of the tangle web spider family, Achaearanea spiders are cousins to the famous widow spiders.


The Common house spider, sometimes called the American House Spider, is an extremely common spider in North America and South America, as its name suggests.

In Europe Tegenaria domestica is usually known as the Common House Spider. It often makes large sheet like webs where the walls and ceiling meet,and lives in a small funnel. The spider is harmless.


The tangle-web spiders, also known as cobweb spiders and comb-footed spiders (family Theridiidae) are a large group (over 2200 species in 87 genera [1]) of three-dimensional space-web-builders found throughout the world.


Jul 13 2008, 9:22 AM
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