warriorofthelight.com/engl/edi131_semp.shtml no longer exists
Response last updated by gtho4 on Dec 13 2016.
Jul 22 2008, 9:01 AM
Answer has 4 votes
star_gazer 23 year member
5236 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
Orang-utan is Indonesian for "Men of the Forest". These fascinating creatures belong to the Great Apes family (along with the chimpanzee and the gorilla), which is man's closest relative. They evolved from the same evolutionary tree as man, and studying them helps us to understand our own origin.
2goglobal.com/2GoChronicals/2%20Go%20Photos/Asia/Indonesia/2_go_bukit_lawang.htm no longer exists
Response last updated by gtho4 on Dec 13 2016.
Jul 22 2008, 9:09 AM
Answer has 4 votes
Answer has 4 votes.
The orangutan's name derives from the Malya and Indonesian phrase orang hutan, meaning "man of the forest".The orangutan is an official state animal of Sabah in Malaysia.