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Most FunTrivia Points Today

This list keeps track of the points that registered quiz players have earned today playing quizzes and games on Scores as of 7:13 PM CST. Point winners are calculated 10 minutes before midnight CST.

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Full Brain Standings for Today

Cheating Warning for All Players: All quiz submits must be based on knowledge in your head. Players who use multiple browser windows, tabs, second accounts, other IP addresses, etc are considered to be cheating, and will have their accounts terminated. We have been lenient on quiz submits in the past, but are cracking down to ensure fair play. We have extensive server logs that can easily catch cheating. Please play fairly. Thank you.
PlayerLevelTotal ScoreQuizzes PlayedToday
1. DeepHistory 293 103407035 124968 30374
2. slay01 130 2007495 4536 27890
3. Reamar42 205 30595607 33729 26574
4. cheeseit223 68 1089634 3437 23575
5. TurkishLizzy 226 33439130 26478 22188
6. kstyle53 259 41444042 88972 21453
7. genoveva 271 94340661 82119 20565
8. stephedm 247 53718499 118920 20319
9. mulder100 174 21969314 15040 20084
10. alan56 209 90986072 201 18908
11. clevercatz 262 60388640 77228 18755
12. Rizeeve 274 41411064 38817 18660
13. maninmidohio 257 112952848 108027 18517
14. krajack99 237 31495940 60066 18226
15. japh 213 33470924 22198 17798
16. Mikeytrout44 179 27764012 19271 16919
17. panagos 198 12114400 13763 16729
18. Steelflower75 104 2919070 4026 16724
19. matthewpokemon 253 51680212 98707 15563
20. Luckycharm60 222 17874415 25718 15372
21. Brnate 156 43212886 200 15324
22. Indonesia129 195 18440486 3276 15277
23. PHILVV 218 46940753 40036 15161
24. daisygirl20 238 47277890 28942 15086
25. ramses22 211 35260161 39100 14859
26. winston1 224 43164387 30407 14728
27. Hackon 165 73181358 74351 14664
28. aspire63 229 43751134 18703 14638
29. misstified 239 23712480 28857 14032
30. cardsfan_027 260 30964752 29082 13827
31. Emma-Jane 210 46448206 44309 13727
32. kevalex34 185 6614187 12136 13633
33. pehinhota 224 30643342 23082 13612
34. Linda_Arizona 184 9089197 12924 13421
35. GoodwinPD 257 55594871 133850 13411
36. FrappMaster 234 35422306 10011 13401
37. Kabdanis 261 54953897 209456 13339
38. Barbarini 263 50657138 21639 13157
39. mcdubb 268 50768326 28922 13033
40. bernie73 247 25264907 68058 12709
41. BarbaraMcI 249 35552061 43569 12663
42. Dagny1 245 54614129 71098 12642
43. ZWOZZE 211 25706933 6182 12484
44. rahul0 159 2715869 4500 12464
45. wjames 260 34578932 43057 12439
46. MikeMaster99 259 31193977 22028 12311
47. rossian 297 50786570 53480 12301
48. magijoh1 225 40017243 30066 12280
49. reeshy 215 14579856 14820 12243
50. violinsoldier 116 5417915 4370 12229
51. Riders23 87 2177722 202 12182
52. Peachie13 171 14521496 38925 12133
53. HumblePie7 71 1158391 3165 12132
54. bermalt 208 13769962 11456 12052
55. Zippy826 246 34842661 23035 11940
56. comark2000 214 22076778 53677 11823
57. crossesq 217 22676743 29596 11751
58. looney_tunes 278 43967687 49645 11742
59. kezzabod 130 11744715 202 11595
60. Rumpo 210 26672015 35083 11558
61. fado72 208 26387421 51080 11540
62. dellastreet 250 29915649 28219 11494
63. tarlaccity 120 20962813 200 11309
64. poetkah 203 19217143 11969 11281
65. fylgregory 120 13523230 200 11261
66. doh1 158 40040452 225 11172
67. drwinsac 144 14195175 8379 11075
68. psnz 230 22080196 21099 11064
69. Upstart3 288 45698136 58579 10976
70. TropRock 107 10131499 205 10928
71. blackavar72 188 13092997 6141 10912
72. Xanadont 222 27983070 36602 10868
73. jogreen 188 11044572 12079 10609
74. flynnmcalnis 159 22222222 28514 10546
75. mazza47 228 25308188 26515 10472
76. gaucho54 149 25765292 201 10440
77. Buddy1 265 29655824 50491 10440
78. Dizart 277 45292930 147716 10430
79. lidna 106 9788330 200 10397
80. boon99 200 16690279 5577 10345
81. LauraMcC 236 22620905 30518 10332
82. mickeyp 182 13992804 27530 10152
83. rupert774 203 26698263 34661 10112
84. tiye 246 26151391 18635 10077
85. Twongle 36 145148 200 10065
86. dmaxst 162 43403958 72614 10020
87. Liz5050 220 27314615 49792 10016
88. moonraker2 212 18373210 12881 9953
89. tie-dyed 201 36327362 51353 9889
90. dee1304 225 51719883 82216 9788
91. sue124012 110 3224738 1577 9736
92. Mazee1 131 10883458 6548 9735
93. 1995Tarpon 230 28546895 50000 9603
94. spaismunky 144 10887031 1802 9581
95. valleyaggie 81 1155716 1194 9401
96. Jennifer5 265 32901180 28791 9374
97. invinoveritas 229 30447488 16462 9346
98. mandy2 226 37630766 85416 9336
99. rivenproctor 160 17384539 15158 9315
100. AlexxSchneider 192 11542117 12540 9297